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Pace Vanpool to Work

As a Pace Vanpool Driver

You can travel for free to and from work using a Pace van when you are the primary driver and commute with 3 others going the same way. You'll save thousands of dollars a year and have personal use of the Pace van during work breaks and at home. In addition, some insurance companies offer discounts for not driving your vehicle daily.

For almost 30 years, the Pace Vanpool Program has been helping commuters especially those traveling long distances to and from work. Pace supplies the vehicle and covers costs including:

Riders pay a low monthly fare based on distance, number of participants and participation frequency (full-time or part-time). The primary driver rides for free and receives personal miles each month! Backup drivers receive a monthly discount based on their rider participation status. Full-time riders who volunteer to be a backup driver get a $25 monthly credit while part-time riders get a $15 monthly discount. Please note that vanpooling fares can be paid with pre-tax income by employees of companies that participate in a payroll deduction, transit benefit program.



The group must be traveling to and from work with either a start or end address in the six counties of Illinois: Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will.

If you have a group of 3 or more carpoolers, know of others interested and/or matched with a few commuters on our website, you can form a vanpool group.

As you discuss travel details, consider tips on forming a rideshare group and park & ride locations. Note that Pace does not assist with parking arrangements.


Each Pace Vanpool has a primary driver and at least one backup driver. More backup drivers are encouraged.

Primary drivers operate the Pace Vanpool daily. Backup drivers assist when the primary driver has a day off work. Some groups rotate the driving.

All drivers are volunteers and must meet the following:

Finding Pace Vanpool Participants:

You can start a vanpool with just 3 commuters (a primary driver, two riders with one rider as the backup driver) but ideally a Pace Vanpool operates best with a group of 5 commuters of which at least one person is a primary driver and 2 riders are backup drivers. The more people in the group, the cheaper the fares are for everyone. To find other vanpool commuters, here are some ways that Pace Commuter RideShare can help:

  • Create an account, then start a Commute Search to find others to join your newly forming Pace Vanpool. To invite commuters, search under Commuters in the search tool and then write your matches. For best results, use the comment box on page 3 of the Commute Preferences to explain your routing, potential stops, travel times, number of open seats and parking costs. For more information, review the details on how the site works.
  • To fill open seats in your existing Pace Vanpool, contact Pace Commuter RideShare staff to add comments about your existing vanpool that will appear in other commuter's search results. Also, you can create a flyer outlining the commute that you can share at work, through email and social media.
  • Contact Pace Commuter RideShare staff to add comments about your existing vanpool that will appear in other commuter's search results and to invite others to join your vanpool through posting on the Pace RideShare Facebook page and related commuter chat groups.
  • You may want to also approach your company's Human Resources department, Transportation Coordinator or Property Manager for assistance with identifying other commuters at nearby employers that might be interested in ridesharing with you.

Launching Your Pace Vanpool:

Once a group is formed and travel details are worked out, an application packet can be completed.

It is best to submit all the start-up forms and deposits in one packet. Use the Vanpool Application Packet Checklist as a guide for how to submit your application.

In about 4-6 weeks, a Pace van will be available. Then the group can save money and enjoy a better commute to work.

All participants must make a one-month commitment at the start. If a participant should leave the vanpool before one month has passed, the deposit will be forfeited and not refunded.

Drivers are expected to adhere to the rules of the road to ensure the safety of the vanpool and other commuters.

Pace Vanpool Drivers Save Money

As a Pace Vanpool driver, your workday commute becomes cost free. All the money you spent driving alone can be invested, saved or enjoyed as you chose. Imagine the possibilities!

Some Pace Vanpool drivers stop regularly using their own vehicle or avoid the purchase of a 2nd or 3rd vehicle and additional insurance coverage because they enjoy the Traditional Vanpool for getting to work and the personal miles each month for errands and other travel.

The annual savings can add up quickly. Enter your own numbers and see how much you can save.