Pace Commuter RideShare is affiliated with Pace Suburban Bus and is the designated Public Rideshare Administrator for Northeastern Illinois.
Our mission is to reduce the number of single occupancy vehicles by improving mobility options and providing commuter assistance while enhancing the quality of life and economic health in the region.
This website provides free commuter information for those traveling between the 6-counties of Illinois, southeast Wisconsin and northwestern Indiana. Registering can facilitate Pace Vanpooling and carpooling formation.
Wisconsin commuters traveling to employment in Illinois could broaden their search for a carpool or vanpool match by registering on both our website and Rideshare Etc., the online ridematching service for Wisconsin. Commuters working in Illinois could possibly create or join an existing Pace Vanpool.
Please note that Pace does not hire carpool or vanpool drivers. Pace Vanpool drivers are already employed full time and are volunteering to share a ride to and from their employment. Carpool participants are sharing commuter resources and/or taking turns driving.
550 W. Algonquin Road
Arlington Heights, Illinois 60005
Send to vip.rep@pacebus.com
Call 847-5-WE-POOL (847-593-7665) between 8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. weekdays (excluding holidays) or leave a message anytime.
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